Halelujah for making the copy-protection more customer-friendly. iLok, including cloud sessions, would be absolutely fine. If it’s an Adobe-style subscription, then it’s time to learn Logic Pro, after all these years.
I really wasn’t aware that there are people who LIKE dongles. Is that really true? Can you elaborate how you know that many users LIKE dongles?
I always thought it was a necessity, a necessary evil. At least I get slightly aggressive when I see a thing blocking a USB port on my computer, which is just there to assure that bad users don’t pirate the software, and which I only plug in for a single software (not to mention that I even pay for the dongle…). I’m super happy that they drop that.
I alread have to plugin 2 additional USB devices when I want to make music. I even bought a USB hub to be able to stick in my 2 dongles (eLicenser and iLok), otherwise I’d run out of USB ports. Can’t get rid of iLok, but, it’s so nice I can finally get rid of eLicenser at least.
Not really , say something goes wrong with your dongle on an earlier version of Cubase and you need to do a Maintenance on the Eliencer but the server has been removed , as i said loads of questions need to be answered
That is how it is now, the E-Licenser software NEEDS to be up to date to even verify your USB dongle. But you’re clearly totally unaware of that, and the same applies to an entirely cloud based license - you just won’t even be aware of it authorising in the background, certainly not if you’ve missed that the ELC needs online connection.
Like i say, you haven’t given any reasons to be scare mongering people into not buying upgrades. I find that an awful response to something which is a positive move - no doubt costing Steinberg some serious cash to improve their system.
Ask yourself why an earth Steinberg would want to do anything that alienates you or i as a customer? Just where is the sense in that?!
Get some perspective on the situation, an furthermore if you have VALID issues that Steinberg should take into account - then please post them here, as the discussion has become more based on you ranting fear than actual facts.
Thank you Steinberg. I look forward to learning more.
The goal of this project is to replace the old license management system, not to introduce a subscription model replacing perpetual licenses.
Not much of a plan, it’s just a reaction driven by people who argue against a physical key. Actually in the strict sense of the term ‘a plan’ it isn’t one. I’m going to have the key anyway, I don’t want to have to change anything, nothing is broken. I don’t have any idea what will be broken but since it ain’t broke at this juncture…
but old Cubasers have no say apparently, it’s brave new world out here.
Apparently Steinberg Support has taken a nose-dive since I last needed it 11+ yrs ago, with a new show_stopping issue I’m sure a million people are having, but apparently zero at this forum. Typical.
Please no monthly subscriptions!
As time goes on… more and more I’m thinking about going off the grid, completely disconnected from the internet, in a dark bunker in the middle of nowhere. no smart phone, no distractions - nothing. Just studio equipment and an offline stable desktop PC.
That’s what is great about the dongle. At times, I’ve had my system disconnected from the net for as long as 3 or 4 years.
I am very certain that you can continue using the old USB-eLicenser on a compatible system. Even if the license servers will be taken offline one day in the future, the system works offline. You won’t be able to move a license or make an upgrade but it will work in that self-contained environment in that bunker in the middle of nowhere. I mean, some users still use parallel port dongles in 2021
I never hated the dongle per se, but activation and license management is currently a bit of a mess, especially the Soft-eLicensers and the fact that you can’t freely move your licenses between Soft and USB (I have an LE license stuck in a dongle for years that would be more useful if upgraded to Elements and put in a laptop). I imagine the amount of support tickets just because of this - a pure waste of time for both customers and staff.
Thanks for addressing this, I hope you come up with a single installer/activation app like Waves, iZotope or Plugin Alliance that allows both machine, dongle/usb stick or cloud activation. From all activation methods I’ve experienced, these are the best - they’re relatively uncomplicated and, most important, they’re flexible enough to please dongle lovers, dongle haters, online and offline enthusiasts - a rare case of one-app-fits-all.
I’m fine with the dongle these days seeing as I just bought a second one, but it depends on the plan.
Ah well, never had a problem with the dongle, but I would have serious issues with any authorisation system that relies on an internet connection other than as a once only at first installation/authorisation, nor would I countenance a subscription model under any circumstances. I was about to invest in several Steinberg products, Iconica etc. but now won’t be doing anything until I’m convinced that subscription only or internet necessary for day to day operation is off the table.
It’s more a question of knowing what the new system will be. There are licensing schemes that are worse than dongles. They are mentioned elsewhere in this thread. I’ve always refused to buy an iLok dongle as one type was more than enough for me. But for all it’s faults, iLok demonstrates some alternative methods with their software. Being permanently online is clearly unacceptable, and a subscription model as well. Some people just feel some trepidation as to what the replacement might be. Obviously, until that is clarified there is not much more to say, but it is a good thing that everyone states their feelings here. Remember, it doesn’t have to be a complete either/ or. There are successfully working systems with optional dongles.
The most important thing is that no system is suddenly launched on everybody without a reasonable notice period.
Nothing against the dongle (have three to use in slave computers with software that require this dongle) but would like a more flexible system. The Plugin Alliance is a nice system, you install from an online platform, can have your authorization codes in a usb device, but if it gets broken or lost you can delete it and create a new one. Also you can have all your install software on line or downloaded and put in a external drive, so you can install from there when no internet connection is available… a mix of hardware, software and internet would be perfect. Let’s wait to see what they will put out, and hope it’s not a single one side license kind of activation. All the best guys
Thanks for the clarification. You may want to jump on Twitter and put an end to the subscription fire.
I rarely use the internet in my studio, only for updates. I also use cubase in my RV (mobile home). If a constant internet connection will be needed in the future, I’m obliged to switch to another DAW. I’ve been using Cubase since 1989, the first version on Atari. I really hope this will not be necessary.
One thing about a subscription for we hobbyists out here in the sticks is that a subscription could work out cheaper, especially when we leave our machines ‘off’ for months in between calls of ‘inspiration’. I once upgraded versions, and following that song, by the next time I came to use Cubase another upgrade AND an update to that had been released!
As has been mentioned a number of times, this isn’t about subscription. Any further replies to this thread mentioning subscription will be removed as they only confuse the topic.
There are many who say you shouldn’t connect your music pc to the net any - download updates etc on another machine and transfer via a thumb drive…