I find myself more and more working reel by reel as the computers are now so much more powerful, So just 1 project per Reel (instead of the old way of one project per Cue) the upside is when you come to export the stems it’s absolutely amazing.
The massive downside is when you get changes and you have complex tempo maps for cues later on the timeline, Also if you add tempo changes or Warptime in the middle of a project all cues after loose there sync with the tempo map
So there are lots of Cut time edits to the tempo map and adding odd Time signatures and various severe tempo changes so the Cue still lineup on the down beat of a bar .
I was just thinking how cool it would be to have a tempo map (timeline) separate to the overall time code of a project , which you could set to Liner and it would move like regions do sticking to TC.