Linked Panner vs Automation

Hello there.

The linked panner can make the panner of sends synced with the source track. However, if the source track has some automation to move the XYZ parameters, the target panner of the sends are not following the changes.

If the linked panner is for “correct” panning configuration, then it should also affect the target panners when the source panner is being changed by automation.

Now, for the “correct” purpose, I need to copy all the 6 XYZ Dolby Atmos Panning Parameter Curves one by one with the automation command to make the “send panner” share the same automation as the source.

How about making the “Linked Panner” into a parameter. When it’s enabled, the target panners follow the source panner automation change; while disabled, the following is off, and supports its own automation.

I think this is the third time I’ve seen this topic (recently) here and on reddit. This is about writing automation in, correct? Not automating by using the GUI or a controller, right?

I think the “linking” basically refers to the input of data using the GUI that is not the automation lane-input using a tool to draw.

I think there would be value in being able to also link the automatic points between panners and send panners when making adjustments through the GUI as well. For example after writing a pass with link panners and then a fine automation adjustment may be required etc. Right now the only convient method is to redo passes when I’d rather make small adjustements with the mouse sometimes.

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Yes, you are absolutely right, and it’s quite hard to believe that Nuendo has maintained this behavior across so many major versions. I even wonder if many sound effect designers inadvertently introduce “errors” or “unexpected issues” during post-production without realizing it. What a perplexing situation!