List Editor and Score Editor: selecting all tuplet events

Logical Editor gives a couple options to filter different events. But what about if I wanted to filter Score Editor events? What if I wanted to delete all tuplet events (events that can be seen in the List Editor)?

The logical editor does not see score svents. So I guess your request is that it do.

But you can hide all events that are not Score events, in the list editor which might help.

If they are real tuplets you can find them using the Logical editor with a combination of length and position and range filters.


Being able to select any list item (by its name) would be so helpful…

I agree. Also it would quite awesome to be able to use the Logical Editor for Score specific objects!

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I would like to select all beam groups (position 1 and 3 on 4/4) to move them vertically (position Y) … but the Logical Editor still has no chance for the Score Editor!.. :face_with_head_bandage:
Cosa dobbiamo fare? Aspettiamo che Dorico faccia amicizia con Cubase (così gli presenta lo Score Editor)… e chissà se scatterà il colpo di fulmine!.. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

What do we have to do? Let’s wait for Dorico to make friends with Cubase (so he introduces him to the Score Editor)… and who knows if it will be love at first sight!


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