List of products in activation manager

Hi Team,
Is there a reason activation manager for steinberg licensing only shows my latest purchase /version ie cubase artist 13. I have also Cubase 12 artist (it was an upgrade from elcienser cubase elements 11) , and cubase 12 works fine and everything, its just I wonder why it is not in the list on the activation manager.
I wonder this because if I make an upgrade in the future I wonder will it only show cubase 14 artist if I get that, or will it show both Cubase artist 13 and 14.
Is that the norm?

Regards, AJ

That is just fine as all previous versions are automatically included within your newest license.

IIRC the licence shown allows you to use all version between the one from which you upgraded to the one you currently own. There’s no need to show all previous versions. For some users there would be literally dozens of versions listed. Add versions of WaveLab, Dorico, etc and that list would quickly become unmanageable.

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Thanks people.
So it’s just that’s the way it is. As long as I know (because when I upgraded from an elicenser version to cubase 12 elements, and then artist 12 + 13 ) I was just making sure it’s not lost somewhere). The new steinberg licensing is ‘less demanding’ compared to the elicenser approach.