Listen and Solo alert when export


I have never used the Listen function very much… only to verify a track momentarily and turn it off after operation is over.
But I started to work differently when I do a music for a scene… I activate the listen on the music STEM so I keep underneath all the sounds and dialogue and get inspired for the structure of the music without being too annoyed…
good. . but after 3h of work I do some mix decisions and export only to realise later i forgot L was activated :stuck_out_tongue:
I would like when “add to queue” in the Export Audio Mixdown window to have an alert blinking or a popup saying “alert - you have a solo &/or Listen activated are you sure you want to proceed ?”
because sometime yes I’m happy to keep solo or even L activated if I want to send the track to director with the sound under mixed… but sometime it’s a mistake.
I mean you can argue that I should be careful. But when you export there’s file, format, name, locators or cycle markers to look at… so many things already, not to mention that normally it’s a moment you’r short on time because client is getting crazy and changing everything. So a little reminder could avoid problems.
Any chance that could be added ?

No thanks to a notification. Why don’t you just make a macro which cancels solo/listen and then invokes export?