Local network not supported

To use VST Connect in a local network would be fine. Here I must use long cables to the singers cabin (my bath :grinning: with a beautiful IR).
At now I use my iPhone hotspotting which is not the best idea because of limited bandwidth (sometimes) and usage of data volume which is not a good decision.

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You can connect locally with the PRO version.

Which is mine …


Installed via the download assistant, on the lower right the name is “VST Connect Pro”.

I’ll check it again, hopefully the problem was closed to the screen …

The Studio Pass App shows the following error :

Same message on the iPad with Performer

When try to connect from “Studio Pass” VST Connect plugin message :

I’ve two accounts, one on my MacBook, the other for Performer/Studio Pass

To connect locally, do not log in. Instead click the “WiFi” item (PRO version only) where you get a list of connected Nuendo (must be started first).

I can confirm what musicullum tells you: I did some tests long ago, so I don’t remember the exact details (not able to look at my studio PC in this moment), but I asked my wife to say some words from her PC with Performer, while I was at my PC with Connect, recording some tracks. We were not logged in in accounts.

MacBook connected via WLAN :

MacMini via LAN, WLAN on this machine disabled before starting Cubase:

I can’t see the WiFi button like in the manual :frowning:


And start Cubase/Nuendo first.
Both must be on the same local network.

Ok, my fault. The WiFi button is on performers side, read the manual. sry.

But it does not work :frowning:

Close and reinstall Performer on the iPad to get a clean configuration.
Open Cubase and create VST Connect, not logged in.
Open Performer on the iPad, the WiFi button lids immediately (light blue).
Open the configuration → performer tab in VST Connect to setup performer.
All boxes shown “not connected”.

To test I remove VST Connect in Cubase and the WiFi button on Performers side turns of (gray)

So, it must be connected but it’s not :frowning:

Using a WiFi 6 WLAN here and the devices are connected with 1200/1200.
In the FritzBox the devices are able to communicate between them.
Trying LAN and WLan only, nothing helps.

click on „wifi“ button and choose host

The WiFi button isn’t clickable respectively no dialog to select the host appears. After pressing this button (long or short), I can’t change anything, no fader, not open the preferences, not the help question mark.

iPadOS 18.1.1, iPad Pro 12,9", 4.generation

I’m sorry to waste your time.


I tried with a computer that is not my studio PC, but I have Cubase and VST Connect Pro there. I was able to connect, but then, when I tried to reproduce the steps, connection was not possible.


  • In Connect pro I clicked on Id (right circle) and wrote an user name.
  • Then I clicked on the login button (left circle), to be able to read the key number.
  • In Performer on iPad I clicked on Id I wrote a second user name and copied the key number.
  • After some attempts there was suddenly communication.
  • Reseting all and repeating the steps I am still not able to communicate.
  • After some attemps I get the message “you are already in a session. make sure not to use the same name as the studio”. But the names are different.
  • The wifi button on iPad does nothing if I click on it.

No dialog, it shows a list of connected hosts (usually, just one).

You need to have Cubase or Nuendo with the active VST Connect plugin running, and connected to the same network. Also in the upper field, input a user name of your choice.

The “WiFi” item becomes lit (active) only when the active host (Cubase/Nuendo with activated VST Connect plugin) is connected to the network.
Then when you click that button in Performer, you should see one item, which you can select to connect to.

This message should disappear after 10 minutes or so. You have not closed a previous session. But as the session is still alive, Performer should be able to connect with the “old” key.

That button is only for local connections.

I can’t see anything, no list, nothing and the Performer looks like it was freezed after touching the button.

I’ll make a video in an hour,

Is the button active (lit)?

yes, it is

Hope it’s visible …

The devices are in the same network/wlan

In the iPad click on ID and give a user name and do copy the studio Key that you get in Connect Pro on PC. Your wifi is lit, so I think this way should be communication.