Locaters follow selected event ??


In Project Window, Is it possible in Cubase to have the left and right locaters automatically embrace a selected event ?

For example, on an Audio Track, i select Audio Event X ; the left and right locaters are automatically set to this event.
On the same Audio Track, i select Audio Event Y and the left and right locaters are automatically set to this event.
And so on.

Hope 2 hear from you ! :smiley:


Not automatically, only with key command. As far as I know that is.

Thank you for your answer !
That is a bummer …

Naah, can’t have everything i guess.


Select the part or parts and press P on your keyboard.
I think that is the default KC.

Indeed, thank you, i am aware of that KC.
But that’s not what i asked, i asked for automatic embracing of locators to a selected event.

Sorry misunderstood.
My bad.

No sweat at all mate, thank you for putting in effort .