Logical Editor Cubase Artist 12

I’m a Dorico user who currently mainly only uses Cubase Elements 12 for audio work or occasional post-notation touching-up. I’ve considered the possibility of upgrading to Artist during the sale (I used to run Studio before switching to notation for most composition work) but one thing I’m very unclear on is to what extent the Logical Editor is implemented in that version. This could be a key reason for the upgrade. At one stage it seemed to have been dropped altogether but now is listed as being back again in again on the list of Sequencing features but not the Project Logical Editor.

To make it clear, what I am looking for is comprehensive MIDI notes and events filtering so perhaps it is the Sequencing Logical Editor which is relevant here. Naturally, if a trial of Artist was available, I would simply download it but, annoyingly, it seems that only Pro and Elements are available. So it would be great if someone could explain exactly what the Logical Editor(s) in Artist can do and how it differs from Pro in terms of features and presets. Thanks!

The Logical Editor is only available in the MIDI related parts of Cubase. It is what you are looking for and included in Cubase Artist.

The Project Logical Editor is rather to configure/customize Cubase as such, ie. on a project level (hence the name).

If you download and install the Pro trial version, double-click the Cubase icon and then hold down Alt on PC to be able to launch Artist.

ok, thanks. That’s what I was suspecting. So does the Logical Editor in Artist have the same features as the one on Pro?

Yep. :blush:

great, that’s clear, then!