I set a Looping region in my wave files, and am able to close and reopen the files in WaveLab Elements 11 with that region stored in them. When I tried to send these files to my mastering engineer (he’s using ProTools) he told me he was unable to see any markers or looping regions.
protools doesn’t/can’t import the markers from what im aware, they will have to use edimarker and you’ll have to export your markers to a csv to allow them to import
ah yes, I missed that PG, @theMidiTamer sounds like the quickest and easiest route without upgrading software for you would be supplying a text file containing the timecodes for the loop points, or assuming your mastering engineer would have edimarker, you could get them to supply you a sample edimarker spreadsheet so you can fill it in accordingly for them to import it semi automatically
Yeah, I’m not aware of how Pro Tools works, since I’ve never used it.
About “Write Markers in WAV File Header” and “Copy Markers” options, I always had these options flagged, so I guess that doesn’t help in my case.
Given that I don’t think I’ll upgrade anytime soon, I’ll try the solution my ME suggested: to export markers from Cubase via MIDI, I think this should be the procedure: Exporting Markers via MIDI
@PG1 FYI I just had a meet up with a mix engineer who I regard as an PT ‘expert’ and who runs a PT Ultimate rig … he confirms PT does not/cannot import embedded markers from a wav file as far as he is aware.
In fact, he advises that getting markers generated by PT itself to display correctly or at all on other similar PT rigs when he opens an existing session in another studio PT system is sketchy. This includes importing from CSV which is apparently a lucky dip as to where the session places them (if at all). He did add that third party apps to reconform audio and film (EdiLoad for example) do work but only with PT generated markers.
We can easily under rate how well and reliably WL does these basic functions. That’s a credit to you and your team.
Yes agree to the topic with markers but check out EdiMarkers
and Helge Tjeltas Filenames and TC-Markers both apps MacOS only
the CSV is a very very good implementation in WL