In one project especially, when I loop parts to play along with, after awhile playback stops and if I press spacebar, the song starts over. As I went through the song, looping different parts to practice drums to, this kept happening and the repeats got shorter, until at the last marker loop with only about 8 measures, it would play only once and stop. I could press 1 for the loop starts to play again, otherwise it’s back to the beginning. Extremely annoying nuisance and not limited to the song, as it then was stopping in other projects.
And what could be happening here. I have a chord track for just 2 measures. I added an instrument track to play the PK2 and dragged the chords down. Soloing with nothing else playing: When it looped 4 times, after the 5th time the 2nd chord changed, and the next 2, and on subsequent loops the 1st was like the 3rd while the rest of the pattern continued the change for the 4 chords and looped thus a few time before going back to the original pattern. Seems related to the transpose section further on.
Also like the other project, it stopped playing. I was beyond the loop at about 68 measures with the other midi tracks engaged, just listening, and it suddenly stopped and went back to the start. In fact it won’t let me play any farther. I put at about where it stopped and it just stopped and went back to the start. I can’t even hear the whole thing. Stops at M70 and won’t play anything beyond.
Check the Project’s length in Project Setup
So it says the project length is ~3’25", and when I change the beats to time, that appears to be the length of the song. So just make it longer than the song actually is?
I have another project. It stopped after ~6’. I look at the setup and it is 35’. Clicking anywhere beyond ~6’, no play, goes to start.
Yes. In your Template(s) set the Project Length so it is longer than you think you’ll ever need. Then use that Template to create new Projects. I think I have mine set at 30 or 40 minutes.
For existing Projects you can increase it whenever you like.
As above, another project wouldn’t play beyond 6’, thought the length was already set at 35’, about 6x as much. This is a real bug.