Love track Versions

not correct… :wink: for > DeEssing (!) you can use the “Volume Envelope Events” in Cubase - a great solution to adjust “sss” in a vocal track…
drawing directly on the event with the pencil tool:

Sorry I mislead you. I was mislead by the Steinberg video. Well, too bad :frowning:

From what I can gather from this video, from about 12:30 to 17:00, version-able automation appears to be planned!


I think from something called “Mix Versions” perhaps? Can someone confirm?

(Btw, the CC Translate is mostly useless, but feel free to turn it on.)

It seems the host asks Helge the question we’ve been asking (is automation version-able), notice his reaction when Helge responses “no.” :laughing:

(Btw, did I hear a “Walking Dead” reference in there? Can someone translate this? Lol)

Helge then goes on to suggest it is planned. Someone German-speaking, please correct me if my gist about all this was incorrect.

I goes on, from what I can gather, that the reason automation was not included was related to memory footprint.

If so, I would argue that with modern computers able to wield Gigabytes of cached audio and video files in RAM, some automation data should be relatively trivial. I hope they find a way to optimize and add the feature. It’s not lost on me how “snappy / instantaneous” the version switching is (which is awesome), so I realize they don’t want this part to be sluggish.

But sounds like promising news!

Hi Centralmusic,

When I want to cut the sss manually, I prefer to open the event in the Sample Editor, select the sss and just use a macro I’ve created to decrease the gain in 3 dbs.
It’s a very fast way and you can even adjust an automatic pre and post croustade to turn the applied reduction a little more smooth.
Anyway, just different approaches.