Low cut and high cut filters( integrated) do not work properly.

Man, this is crazy… I’m about to finish some tracks for mastering, a lot of high cut automation… it still does not automate even at real-time export unless the channel of the track is opened! how can one be sure that all is automated when exporting ?! :frowning: finally something should really be done with it. if guys from Steinberg are not able to fix it, they’d rather cancel the function

could anyone confirm that this already works without issues in 10.5?

Janko, maybe you have checked it?


Nope still broken in 10.5.20. I wouldnt hold my breath hoping to get fixed at all

11.0.20 added on/off buttons for Hi/lo cut so it needs to be activaed before using. After initial testing the automation works even when reloading the project. :+1: