I think this is a feature request, but it may be a support/how-to request as well. I’m also aware that it’s a niche use-case and super-picky thing, so please treat it as such.
Use case: aligning lyrics to notes for display on a screen. This involves big fonts, so the effect/issue is literally magnified - it wouldn’t be an issue with regular printed music.
I’d like to have left-aligned lyrics not be mathematically left-aligned, but aesthetically left-aligned. Right now, the left-most edge of the notehead and the left-most edge of the first letter of the lyric are left-aligned. But depending on the letter, it doesn’t always look great. (For reference, I’m attaching a screenshot composite with some examples - the first in each set is the default, and the second is my adjusted version.)
I can change this manually, as in the attached image, but is there any way to add the feature in to do this more automatically so I don’t have to do it all manually? I realize it involves interaction with the specific font and letter shapes, so maybe not. But I would very much appreciate it if is.
A secondary but related issue is lyrics that span notes with a slur. The left-alignment of the word/syllable with the first notehead sometimes creates an odd-looking alignment with the whole context. (In the attachment, the 2nd and 3rd examples show this - the 3rd one is worse.) I’m not necessarily looking for the words/syllables to always be centred within the slurred phrase; creating the offset to centre on the first letter would go a long way (e.g. in the 2nd example - the “char” of “chariot”).
Again, I know this is picky. But if there’s any way to speed up my workflow other than manually adjusting each word/syllable as needed, I would be a happy camper.