Lyric edit separately not possible after duplicate or copy/paste song

I´ll try to describe:
I “duplicated” a song in the playlist with right click. Then renamed the “(D)” copy and then I tried to edit the lyrics. BUT that also changed the lyrics in the song I copied FROM!
The I did the same with copy/paste and had the same result.
HOW can I copy a song to have it as an “own song” and edit it separately?
macbook M1 / version 2.1.28 (because of all thoose freezes and crashes - “save” etc - using macbook).

Hi @Volker_Petersen ,
I would suggest to update your system with VL 2.1.32 first as some duo-song issues were redolved. Van you repeat your test on that new version?

Hi fkalmus,
thank you. I’ll try in the afternoon and report…but 2.1.31 made so much trouble…maybe 32 is working better…

installed 32 and still the same issue.
What am I doing wrong?
It´s even just ONE audio track and one lyric track.
I would copy it (right click in playlist) and put it in with paste. Even renaming the song and the parts won´t change the behaviour.
If I edit the lyrics in the copied song it also changes in the original song…even in another projekt where this song is used, the same edit appears.
update: just discovered that I’m running x86_64 …I asked Spork/Michael about it, because he asked that in another context…maybe that´s a problem…
any idea?

Found a solution:
Copying / duplicating a song is creating a “new song” but not an independent lyric track!
I had to delete / cut the lyric track in the copied song then create a new one and then I could add the new lyrics!
all the other parameters like channel volumes and routings seem to be origin to the copy itself.
(still had to go back to 28 'cause 32 still has the freeze-issue when cutting a track or saving…)