Hi there! Finale user here who has successfully input an SSAA/Piano score! I’m in some editing phase here and FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON, when I put in the lyric in the A1 part, it expands the entire SSAA/Piano stave to enormous distances. WHY? I had the lyric there and needed to edit the word, when I went to input it again, it just expanded for no obvious reason. Thank you in advance! I took photos but I don’t see how to add them to this entry.
Do you mean expanded vertically?
It’s probably because adding the lyric is causing the page “fullness” to be just over the threshold for the vertical justification to kick in. Dorico will then stretch the contents of the page to fit the whole page.
So, there’s probably no point in worrying about the page until you’ve got all the notation in – so you could just enter the lyrics in Galley View (like Finale’s Scroll View).
Dorico’s Layout Options for Vertical Justification and staff spacing are very powerful, but they do take a bit of understanding (there being no vertifical justification in Finale!)
Hi benwiggy. Yes, I do mean vertically. And I will take your advice. I will worry about this - again - once all the notation is in. Thank you!