Lyrics Engraving Options: Best Practices

I am working primarily with pop music lead sheets, which means lots of lyrics, and also trying to keep to four bars to the system. I spend a lot more time nudging lyrics before printing than I’d like. I’m wondering if anyone has mastered the Lyrics Engraving Options, and if so, if they would share their best practices. I suspect I could get better results if I tweak the settings a bit, but I’m always working under a deadline, and small changes haven’t so far resulted in significant gains. Thanks in advance!

Top tips:

  • Reduce the minimum gaps between lyrics
  • Ditto for between lyrics and hyphens (I set mine to c 1/2 space)
  • Increase the amount lyrics are allowed to be adjusted to reduce note spacing distortion
  • Before simply moving lyrics right/left in Engrave mode, try changing their alignment first – you might still need to nudge them, but getting the alignment right will improve the note spacing around them, meaning you’re less likely to need to adjust note spacing as well

Can you say more about this? I’m not sure I’m understanding the specific setting to change here.

“Proportion of lyric width for horizontal adjustment”, I believe

Ah, I see it now. Thanks so much!

This is probably the most important change from the defaults:

Having larger values adds space between the syllable and the first hyphen.

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