Mac: Change default program to open Cubase projects

Since installing C7, Cubase files now open in C7 by default. I have tried the standard method of change this back to 6.5 (Set default program via ‘get info’), but C7 overrides this change. I can’t use C7 as it’s too buggy for me.

Does anyone know how to change this?


You could locate the and temporarily change the name? Or move the folder. Simply, if it’s not there, it will not be used!

In file information for any Cubase project, change the default file to open with from v7 to v6.x for all file types. CS.

That’s what I’ve already tried, but C7 overrides any change.

I’ve not gotten my version as yet, but, I anticipate that it will be soon. And, I hope that I don’t have nearly as many issues as have been reported here. Sorry my advice did not help. CS.

Or just ‘zip’ it in place. (saves a lil HD space)
Then when you are ready to use it, just unzip it.


This free program might help:

Extensions Tab - There is an Override File Creator tick-box.

I can’t test it with 6.5 and 7, but it works well with other file extensions for audio and video.

Moving the C7 App or changing its name do not work on Mac. And it’s a little inconvenient to have to zip it up after each use! LOL.

So, I’ll open projects from inside Cubase from now, rather than from Finder.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I don’t use a mac, but on the PC I’ve made notepad my default .cpr app. Then I drag and drop the .cpr file onto either Cb5, Cb6 or Cb7 desktop icons, and that makes me actively decide which version the project needs. And if I accidentally double-click then notepad turns up with a load of junk characters in it, but it takes a lot less time to start up than Cb so I can have another go fairly swiftly (haha, particularly when the clocks change!!). Perhaps this will help, probably not…
