Macbook key commands in Cubase 14 Pro (Which keyboard to use?)

Dear readers

I have recently got my first Macbook and have also bought Cubase

I would really like to use the key commands more and have studied it a bit

But there seem to be different keys on my Mac compared to Cubase standard

For instance the F3 does not work for the mixer

Is there somewhere I have to choose the Cubase keyboard as default?

All the best and a Happy New Year


You realise that’s the alt function of the key you access with the Fn button?

YES THANX Grim I just realized it by playing around

So it seems that the Key Commands fits the Mac keyboard

I am considering an external keyboard with all the fancy colors but maybe it will be more satisfying if I pull myself together and learn the key commands on a standard keyboard instead

If anyone has some opinions about this please comment

I am so glad I returned to using Cubase again after several years only using Garage band on Ipad


Good day out there and all the best from Denmark