Hi there,
I am using Nuendo 13 on MacOS Sequoia and was editing a 1 hour recording session of a voice actor. I had to create over 300 different parts for every take they recorded. Once I had everything split up and sorted, I selected all the parts and selected the option to create markers from the “Project” menu.
What I expect to happen:
Nuendo creates markers with my given requirements and displays all the created markers in the marker window (Cmd-M)
What instead happens:
When I open the marker window, it is empty at first. However, the markers appear when I close and re-open the window and everything seems fine.
However in most cases, Nuendo simply exists with a crash reporter.
My requirements were simple: I named my track with all the takes “01_01_ACTORSNAME_word” and then applied that to the marker description so I can expand on that text later. So all of my markers had that exact name.
Not sure why this happens, I could not find anything on this in the forum search and I hope this can be fixed in a future release.
Thanks again!
Maybe try making fewer markers at once, see if the bug persists? Try doing say, 25 at once.
Even if that would help…that cannot be a real solution
And this is a bug report, not a problem solving thread. Thanks for your motivation to help though 
IMO posting here often involves a combination of both. A bug report would usually have to be reproducible to be of any use and preferably confirmed by another user, so a certain amount of brainstorming and / or problem solving might be necessary.
This seems to function OK here on PC - just tested creating position markers and cycle markers for over 500 events without any issues.
Are you using the latest version of Nuendo 13?
In the ‘Create Markers from Selected Events’ dialogue, what kind of Markers are you generating, position markers or cycle markers? What target marker track option are you using? Are the source events all on one track or spread over several tracks?
Please post a screenshot of your ‘Create Markers from Selected Events’ dialogue. Is there any particular way you are using this function which causes the issue? - please post a precise step-by-step which makes Nuendo crash every time, if you can find one…
I was trying to re-produce this error on my M4 macbook pro but without success so far. The only difference (other than the CPU) to the other mac is that it is connected to a thunderbolt-to-Displayport-to-HDMI adapter (for 120 Hz conversion). Could displayport output have something to do with this?
I wouldn’t have thought so, but I’m only guessing. However, changing the Mac and / or MacOS may well have an influence.
As you may know, sometimes the program preferences become corrupt when updating versions, for example, which can give unpredictable results. It’s always worth checking by starting Nuendo in Safe Mode with factory settings to see if this makes a difference to the issue. In case you don’t already know, to do this hold Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Opt + Shift at launch time - in the Safe Mode dialogue you’ll see an option to ‘disable program preferences’ temporarily.
I am actually using the same preferences on my macbook pro, imported from the mac studio.
to your other questions:
Are you sure you have activated the correct Marker track? As you probably know Nuendo can use several Marker tracks but only one is active.
The project does not have any marker track before I create them via the menu. Just one(!) audio track with the session split into 300-800 separate tracks/clips, depending on how many takes are included.
By the way, a cool way to “simulate” this is to just use the “detect silence” on a long audio clip and messing with the treshold values. I’ve been doing this to “simulate” another crash. Will report back when I know more.
position markers or cycle markers
cycle markers
Allright, I was able to replicate the problem on my M4 Macbook as well!
Steps to reproduce:
- Find a big, long audio file with speech or various transients
- Open Nuendo and create an empty project
- Import the audio file
- Use the Silence Detection and set the treshold to an amount that generates enough separate clips (300-800) for testing
- Open up the Marker window and arrange timeline window and marker window next to each other (this might be crucial)
- Open up the “Marker from selected Events” panel and set it to Track → Description, remove all other assignments
- Hit OK and watch the Marker window as it stays empty
- Click around in the Marker Window and/or hit play - or close it and reopen the Marker window using CMD-M
- Nuendo Crashes (If it doesn’t, try CMD-Z to undo all the steps and then repeat these steps)
Video of the steps with resulting crash:
1 Like
After following the steps first time all seemed OK. The second time I confirm that the Marker window stayed empty. Closing and re-opening the Marker window revealed the markers. But so far I don’t see a crash and also no crash after undoing and redoing the steps using Ctrl+Z etc. But this is on PC.
IMO you need a Mac user with the same OS to confirm the crash.
Was there a crash dump? If so, might be worth uploading that here for Steinberg.
yes I will next time it happens
fortunately, I already sent 2 crash reports via the apple reporter.
Crash reports attached!
What set off the crash was:
- right after the function is finished creating the markers, resulting in the “empty” marker window, select one of the cycle markers
- hit CMD-M
Nuendo 13-2025-01-18-232526.ips (208.5 KB)
Nuendo 13-2025-01-18-145014.ips (216.3 KB)