Macro Issue with Logical Editor

Hello, I have a series of 10 logical editor presets that creates a strum effect on a block midi chord.

Basically each Logical Preset moves a note in the chord back a few tics with ever increasing value. So the first preset moves the second note in the chord to the right a little bit, the second preset moves the third note in the chord back a little further and so on and so forth.

I then created a macro that executes all 10 of the logical presets.

The problem is, that unless you run one of the individual logical presets first, the Macro doesn’t work. The notes jump to the wrong position and the Macro is useless.

Once you “manually” run one of the logical presets, the Marco then works until you close Cubase. The next time you open Cubase you have to do the same fix again.

Can someone from Steinberg take a look at this? I’ve attached a screenshot of the Logical preset.

This is actually a user forum.

Assuming your first pic shows the first of your 10 LE Presets, try changing their range to be 0-9 rather than 1-10. The lowest note in a chord is position 0 not 1.

If that’s not the issue can you post a screenshot of your Macro.

Hi raino, thanks for checking in. Sometimes people from Steinberg look at this, but you have a point, I should send in a bug report directly to Steinberg.

As for your suggestion, I don’t want the first note in the chord (position 0) to move.

Here are screenshots of the incorrect behavior, when I first try the Macro, before my work around. And then after my workaround.

Original Chord:

Incorrect behavior:

Correct behavior:

As you can see, the incorrect behavior moves the chord significantly out of position. As opposed to creating a strum effect.

How are you executing the Macro? Do you Select a MIDI Part in the Project Window and run it. Or do you run in from inside the Key Editor?

I’m running it inside the key editor. Either by selecting the specific notes I want, or by having it affect all the notes in the part.

More specifically I’m triggering the macro via the midi remote.

This used to work great, but broke with a Cubase update. I think 12? Haven’t needed it for a while, but the project I’m working on right now has a ton of acoustic guitar parts and so I’m using it all the time at the moment.

really, we would need to see the actual macro and LE presets, to help you.

Here it works fine.



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Hi Steve, here is a screen shot of my Macro. And I’ve already posted screen shots of the LE presets above.

I would be very curious what would happen if you restarted cubase and tried your key command.

Like I said above, I get abnormal behavior until I’ve run one of the individual LE’s on its own. Then the macro works.


When it moves the Notes way to the right, is it always the same amount?

Good question, I think it is. But I’ve never written down how much it moves them by.

I can investigate.

Yes, the macro consistently moves all the notes to roughly the And of 4. Regardless of tempo or how many voices are in the chord.

I see what you’re saying. The workaround is simple here though. It sufficed to open the LE after opening the program (without hitting Apply), then it works.

Is that what you see?

Hi @steve thanks for checking. Yes, that’s what I find as well. Opening up the logical editor window fixes the issue. I originally thought I had to run one of the LE presets, but I just tried it and simply opening the logical editor window works.

I suppose I could build the Macro so that the first two steps are to open and close the logical editor window. But it would be nice if this found it’s way to Steinberg as a bug and was addressed :slight_smile:

Thanks for taking a look and confirming this with me!

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Try wrapping them all up into the project logistical editor which gives you 8, 4 prior to selection and 4 post selection. Perhaps you might have series of similar elements you can group into one in order to meet this 8 max limit. Other than that, try putting pauses or gaps (command with nothing in it) in between. I do what you’re doing here regularly and don’t have this same issue.

Fool proof way would be to copy and paste all these into one big macro of course

Hi Jake, that’s an interesting idea. Making one massive LE preset. I can try that!

As for your macro suggestion, that’s what I’m currently using and where the issue is.