Make regions in source files from montage

Is there a way to automatically create regions in the source files from the clips in the montage?

No. You can create montage markers from the source markers, but not the other way round.
This being said, if you open the source from the clip, the range is selected and you can easily create “manually” markers around the range.

Will those markers be saved to the WAV files?

The problem is, that there are literally hundreds of clips which would need to be marked manually, hence my question.

When you save the wave file.

Then there is another little-known option. In the Marker tool window, there is a “Copy All markers” option. This means you can copy all markers from the montage and paste them into an audio file (or montage). This offers quite some possibilities…

I am not sure I understand what this does. Just to explain, the montage hold clips from quite a number of separate audio files (which are also in the montage in other tracks).

I am hoping to get all clips marked as regions in the source files, ideally automatically numbered.

Then my “Copy All markers” suggestion won’t help. It would help if all the clips belonged to the same audio file.