Making tablature

On my first chart, I’m notating a guitar part but I want to make it for notation and tablature. I don’t see where to create a tablature staff.

Hi @johnjsherry,

you find the options in Layout Options/Players/Fretted instruments. First you have to select the layout where you want the changes to appear (in your case probably the Guitar layout):


It took a bit, but I’ve got it now. Thanks a ton! Now, I need to figure out how to adjust the right frets and strings I want the notes played on in the tablature.

Here the Manual, If this is what you are looking for (sorry I know pretty nothing about fretted instruments):

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Is this what you are looking for? First select a note on the TAB staff.

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I have been making some progress with Tab but now I’m trying to input some various slurs, such as string bends and slides, on the Tab. Is there someone on this forum that is familiar with creating guitar tabs?

All you have to do is click on the number in the tab and then press M for going to a lower string or press N to go to a higher string.

Hi @johnjsherry, slurs will appear in the tab so as bendings, as soon as you add them in the score:

You can then change the properties of every item, selection it in Engrave Mode, and looking at the Properties Panel in the bottom part of the window.

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