Manually hiding a staff for a specific system only

Hello Dorico Hivemind,

Is there a way to manually hide a staff for a specific system only?

Much Appreciated,

Yes – you can hide a staff for a system, and then you have to reset visibility on the next system in order for it to show again.

Here’s the section in the manual:

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Here is the section in the manual:

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Hi, maybe someone can help.
I have a staff system with an extra empty staff which I would like to hide. The empty staff is part of a group (Flute and Bass Flute), and at this point in the score Dorico shows already the next instrument (the Bass Flute), but with empty bars (the entrance of the Bass Flute is a few systems later).
I have tried to use the hide/show staves option, but the 2 instruments are in one group (for one player), and there is no option to hide this extra blank staves (it even hasn’t a staff name). Please see the attached screenshot to clarify.
Any suggestion would be welcome.