This would be - very - very- useful… if someone has 100+ markers in a project
Search would be good, if somehow all Markers across all Marker Tracks could be searched in one window. So +1 to that, if that’s what you meant…
Meantime, the recent ability for spreading those Markers across several Marker Tracks has been a very helpful addition (via Nuendo) from SB.
I was thinking just active markers, but perhaps the project browser could be updated to be able to have an overview/search function of all markers.
Or perhaps, Marker Manage window could have a feature to ‘Show all markers’ , it would be useful to have a attribute column that displays the marker track name to be able to differentiate if needed.
Yes - now you’ve got it… something along those lines…
… and could multiple marker tracks be selected for export?
could marker track names be added to export scheme attributes
yes search markers would be SOOO handy
That would be very useful!
I second this
I also asked for a quick and simple “event name” search function in the Nuendo forum a few years ago.
I often work with large and very long voice over or audio book projects with hundrets of markers.
For me it´s very important to have a “search by name” function.
So I built a solution in the PLE (Project Logical Editor)
This isn’t ideal, but it works…
If you’re interested, here´s a screen video:
PLE settings:
still needed 2025
600 markers containing sub title.
beeing able to search markers name or description is must have.
derushing in davinci so easier as we can search through parkers content. Nuendo should implement that.