I have multiple tracks in a folder including a marker track. I cut/delete/paste/drag at the folder level and all tracks follow my actions except for the marker track. Any way to get the marker track to conform to the actions at the folder level?
I have the same question than Dan.
Is it possible to achieve what he is describing ?
Unfortunately this is a known issue.
FYI similar request here: Linked group folders and markers to move together (currently not) - #3 by HorNet505
It wasn’t known to me when I spent all kinds of time troubleshooting the problem (futiley, of course, since it was a “known issue”), which I have done in the past . That was just before just giving up in frustration.
Is there any way to know the “known issues” to avoid that frustrating loss of time and effort, besides randomly finding it mentioned in a forum thread?
Thank you -