Markers to Arranger Sections, Cycle markers

  1. Can you do Markers to Arranger sections or Arranger Sections to Markers?

  2. I noticed that Cycle follows when locating to markers ONLY works with cycle Markers and not regular Markers, is this correct?

  3. Is there a way to color the whole section under the marker area so I dont have to use the Arranger to see the sections by big color blocks?

    Thanks guys

I’m also seeking a way to color the sections of my songs in the timeline!!! Any suggestions? I’ve tried right clicking the timeline. adding new rulers, using Arranger Track…I can’t find any way to do it!!! Please advise…it would be a great visual aid to composing/recording songs in Cubase. Thanks for any help!!! Steve

No, but with the Range tool and Cycle Follows active, you can double click a cycle marker or arranger part, and use the respective commands to insert an arranger part or cycle marker. You can also quickly do it using the select tool and the Locators to Selection command.

  1. I noticed that Cycle follows when locating to markers ONLY works with cycle Markers and not regular Markers, is this correct?

Yes, which makes sense, as regular markers don’t have a length value to cycle around.

  1. Is there a way to color the whole section under the marker area so I don’t have to use the Arranger to see the sections by big color blocks?

No, just the cycle markers themselves.

Also, sinnerman7777777 please keep stay on topic. OT post removed.

You could try double clicking on the cycle marker, and then go Edit / Select / In Loop, and then select the desired colour from the colour menu. Or you can make some PLE presets using Position / Inside Cycle and Set Color.

How about using the Arranger track combined with Divide Track List? Put the colour coded Arranger track in the top section of the divided track list.