I want to use my Maschine MK3 in midi mode to assign my pads to pads in Groove Agent.
I go to Maschine’s Controller Editor and select a new clean template. At this point, nothing in Cubase should trigger, untill I assign some midi notes to something, at least this sounds logical to me.
When I start pressing my pads on the controller and mapping them to Groove Agent, eveything goes well for the first 16 pads (group 3), but when I start assigning the next group (group 4), some pads just start controlling Cubase for some reason. One pad (C0) for example closes my inspector on the left. Some other pad mutes everything, and so on. So if I assign my pad to Groove agent, the same pad will trigger a sample and also close the Inspector.
Why can’t I normally go through all the gropus and assign pads normally? How can any other features in Cubase be controlled by Maschine, if I have opened a clean template? It’s driving me nuts and I can’t figure it out.
Any help?
You are not alone.
I am simply trying to use MMikro MK3 to trigger midinotes on an instrument - but encounter exact same random actions in Cubase.
Any ideas welcome.
Think I may have found a solution that works in my case.
Looking around in the Studio setup dialog I noticed something called mackie control which I am not aware of using . Disabling (Not Connected) Mackie Control seems to have stopped the unintended and annoying events in Cubase when playing my Mmikro mk 3 pads in MIDI Mode.
Maybe worth a try?
Use this Maschine MK3 Controller Template:
Then set it up for Mackie Control in Remote Devices.
Link Expires in 7 Days.
EDIT and Notes: After importing the Cubase Pro 11 MIDI Map into Native Instruments’ Controller Editor, press SHIFT + CHANNEL to enter MIDI Control Mode and select the Cubase Pro 11 MIDI Map on the Maschine MK3. Mapping is based on Dom Sigalas’, but I added a few things.
Some buttons are set to MCU F- Functions to map to similar commands in Cubase, but I can’t be bothered to check and see what they are, since I don’t use the Maschine to Control Cubase.
If you have another MCU controller connected, Cubase seems to treat the second one as an extender, which is can be problematic. So, I only use it in Maschine, now. My Oxygen Pro already has 16 Pads, and they’re usable enough for what I do in Cubase. The Pots on the Maschine are pretty terrible in Cubase. They aren’t smooth at all. I don’t consider them usable.