Maschine studio mackie control template

Maschine Studio as (1.8 MB)

i did this a while back, now i´m working on it again and will upload a better version with some minor changes, like colours and a better tutorial (maybe) if the resonance is not sero, otherwise i just make it for myself as usual and use it. You can also copy the controls to another maschine, it works from maschine mk1 on with the screens i only miss fine control of some values, in other daw´s you press a button option for example and now if you turn an encoder it will move the value very slow and in small steps, with cubase you are supposed to use the faders for that purpose, but native instruments has implemented only 7 bit pitchbend (only max value is then both set to max, LSB and MSB) - so i connected a BCF 2000 and it works perfect together. Maybe more of that later.

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Hey how’s it going? I’m very interested two hear if this is going to be developed further. Is it a midi remote functionality ?

I’m going to have another try and config my machine studio to Cubase tomorrow. I spent hours today but drew a blank trying to get my machine custom NKS to host and drive MIDI output from harmony bloom. Apparently it’s a limitation of Maschine and MIDI plugins. Wish I’d found that out first lol!


its a mackie template so you add a mackie control in cubase and set the maschine studio ports as midi in and output. I have not used the new midi remote stuff very much until now, and for what i have seen so far, mackie control is still superior, but you can use maschine ports in both so mix it up to your liking. Maybe i will do something like that if i feel it adds something important but i can´t promise anything. But my project works fine as it is. If you need further help just ask and sorry for the late reply.

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