PG, I promised to provide details on this issue if it wasn’t fixed in 7.01. It wasn’t. It’s caused me to misplace my presets a number of times! Here’s how it works for me under Windows 7 64-bit:
- Launch WaveLab 7
- Click the file cabinet icon in the master section to confirm that “Presets are relative to master project” is checked
- Save the Master Project under a new name
- Click the file cabinet icon in the master section and select “Save as…”
The file dialog that appears shows the correct directory, but the presets are from the base “Master Section” directory. When you save your preset, it goes in the base directory, not the master project’s directory.
The workaround is to deselect “Presets are relative to master project” and then select it again. From that point on, presets are saved in the proper directory.
Thanks for your help in addressing this!