Master Section, Plugin Window Not responding in Apple Silicon mode

WL 11.2.0 , OSX 12.6.8
Hi, yesterday this behaviour was happening on the master section plugin window. I could not click on the plugin window , it doesn’t seem to be responsive , but the Master section chain/on the right seems to be responsive. The said plugin window seemed to be “locked” or able to drag and move it , unresponsive even with all plugins removed . When there’s a plugin loaded , resizing which should be normal behaviour , is not allowed.

When I restarted WL in Rosetta mode , it seems to fix the behaviour . When returning to native mode , WL seems to crash and close .

Anyone ever experienced this before ?


Clicking on the right side , I’m able to switch plugins , but click on the window plugin itself , nothing seem to respond.

Sound like a special plugin doing this or?
anybody else…

regards S-EH

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This happened no matter what plugin I load in there. only way to remove it/close is to remove it from the right divider plugin inserts. This was before I closed WL and try running it in Rosetta.

After that I tried deleting the General.Dat file , no go .
Then, reinstalled WL . Still running into WL crashing/close after opening project/new project page.

Deleting this dat file in the Cache DID IT ! “FloatingWindowOptions.dat”

Hope this helps anyone who faces this problem in the future.

Just wanna update and say that it is a temporary solution to an issue that comes and go . Not sure how to solve this exactly . Hope someone could chime in on why this behaviour keeps repeating on every launch of WL 11.

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