I ran into problems with WaveLab Pro 9.5 in that every time I tried to load a Steinberg plugin I just got a message box informing me that there had been a serious error in the plugin and that I should save my work and restart WaveLab; third party plugins loaded without any problems.
I forced a re-scan of my plugin folders, but that had no effect, so I decided to uninstall WL completely and reinstall it from scratch. I did the uninstall, and then rebooted, just to make sure that there was nothing lurking in memory, and then used the download assistant to download a fresh copy of the installer, which I then ran.
When I next started WL I discovered that MasterRig and RestoreRig had both apparently vanished (and maybe other plugins too) - I can’t find them anywhere in the master section, and they’re not listed in the Plugins section of Preferences. I’ve tried forcing a re-scan of the plugin folders, but they still haven’t reappeared.
Where should they be located? How can I get them back? How can I do a really complete uninstall/reinstall of WL?
These plugins are located there:
C:\Program Files\Steinberg\WaveLab Pro 9.5\System\plugins\Wavelab Plug-in Set.vst3
I recommend to force a plugin rescan.
But if the problems happens again, it could be useful to know more about your system.
I’ve forced another rescan, but that did not help.
C:\Program Files\Steinberg\WaveLab Pro 9.5\System\plugins\Wavelab Plug-in Set.vst3 does exist; it has size 59.4 MB (62,365,696 bytes) and modification date 07 ‎September ‎2017, ‏‎14:50:38 - is that the correct version?
I’ve taken a screen shot of the Steinberg section of the plugin preferences, which I’ve attached to this post.
What other information about my system would be helpful?
That’s many (not normal), but indeed, no sign of the Steinberg plugins.
On the plugin “general” tab, there is a round info button at the top right. Click on it. what do you see?
Wavelab Plug-in Set.vst3
There should be a file called:
C:\Users[your name]\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\WaveLab Pro 9.5\Cache\plugin-cache-…txt
(there could be more, in that case, take the most recent.
Open it and search for “Wavelab Plug-in Set.vst3”
Please copy what you see for that section.
Thank you very much, Philippe - that has restored the missing plugins.
When does this cache file get regenerated, and is it likely that the plugins will disappear again? I guess it’s not possible to answer that, without knowing why they disappeared in the first place…
This cache file is regenerated sometimes. Therefore there is the risk that the problem happens again.
But that’s the 1st case I see with the Steinberg plugin set.
Yes, I did try loading several, and they all seemed OK - no sign of the “a serious error has occurred” message that first alerted me to the fact that there was a problem somewhere.
I’ve taken a backup copy of a working version of the cache file, just in case it happens again.
Please tell me how to solve the problem with RestoreRig?
Previously, on my old computer (Windows 10) WaveLab 9.1.0 (Build 684) - 64 bit was installed and I had the RestoreRig plugin (DeClicker, DeNoiser and DeBuzzer) in it.
Now I have Windows 11 Pro and I installed the same version of WaveLab 9.1.0 (Build 684) - 64 bit, but the RestoreRig plugin is not there.
I moved the “Wavelab Elements Plug-in Set” file to the plugins folder on the system drive, updated the entire list of plugins via WL, but there is still no RestoreRig.
Please help me, how can I add this plugin to the program on Windows 11 Pro?