Media bay loop preview is only playing a small part when synced to tempo

HI guys, I had the problem since cubase 13. When in media bay, I set the preview of samples synced to the tempo of the track. Then it only plays the loop between bar 2 and 3. The moment I unclick the sync tempo, it plays normal. I hoped in cubase 14 this would be solved, but seems not. So for what I can think of is that there is a kind of command (I should really not know since I searched all over the internet and manual) where it’s in the small loop mode when tempo is synced to the track. I uploaded this video to show the behavior. I really hope somebody can give me a clue, since I drives me mad after months now :slight_smile:

yes, have the same issue.

Glad I’m not alone. I hope somebody can solve this. It’s frustrating.