Media bay misinterpretation of characters and fields

After testing thouroughly the Cubase 6 trial version 6.01 MEDIA BAY with about 25.000 music files I think having found the following problems (mainely) in the Attribut Inspector:

1 Not always is the track number of an MP3-File properly regognized.

2 The rating of a song set outside of Cubase by another Software is not regcognized at all.

3 The german set of characters (like ß or ü) is unconsistently regognized.In some lines it works, in some not.

4 The bit rate of a MP3-file ist not recognized at all altough the bit rate is an important quality feature of a music file.

5 The name of a album is cut after 30 characters, altough there are lots of albums who’s titles are longer.

6 The types of “genre” is constricted to the programmed types. If a music file has another genre than programmed by Steinberg it is replaced by “Dance”

This is a bit much to my taste and does not encourage me to buy Cubase 6. My computer uses WIN 7 HPE. Thus far I used Studio 5.

Does anyone else notice those “bugs”, so it can be brought to the programmers attention?

This is Ausländisch!

You are welcome,

according to point 1-6… Welcome to Cubase 6! :wink:

Everyone who tryes to use one function professional does notice those “bugs” and we keep waiting… waiting for the next or overnext updates… I still use the windows 7 explorer. It´s search function is great. :unamused: