Media Bay- Remove Factory Content

Hi all,

no matter what I try, factory content insists on appearing in my searches. I’m only interested in my own presets. Has anyone figured out how to remove factory content permanently? I’ve read on the forum that it’s not possible, but that seems unlikely.


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You could set the Rating of all factory presets to 1 or 0, and then set the filter higher.

use the install .exe and go to uninstall>factory sounds

or something along those line, i believe this un-installs the presets/factory audio library.


p.s. - do some more studio videos mate :slight_smile:

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Oh heck, That could take days!

Surely there’s an easier way.

Take care, if you delete the factory content, you gonna delete the gui from HALion sonic SE (Dark Planet etc…) if you don’t care you can delete all the Cubase factory preset in your Cubase instal folder Inside the folder calling “VST Sound” and for HALion/HALion Sonic/Groove Agent in the Steinberg Data folder (where Cubase preference is) in the “Content” folder delete all the “Preset” files, for example : “FCP_SMT_082_HSSE_Artist_Presets.vstsound”;
But like I say after you delete that all the “Edit” Windows in the HALion family are missing.
the other way is to untick in mediabay the preset folder in “VST Sound” tab, like “HALion Sonic SE Common Presets Content”

Need to get rid of these libraries on the c-drive.