Do you have the latest MediaBay component installed, please? Could you try to install it as administrator, please? All the DPM filws end up with the msvcp140, which is part of the Microsoft Redistributable. Is it installed at your system in the latest version, please? Do you have the latest Windows update installed, please?
I have the latest Windows update (within the last week). I think I have the latest Mediabay, I saw it updated with Steinberg Download Assistant and now is a separate service in Task Manager (which I don’t remember seeing before). Also, Microsoft Redistributable was updated within the last 4 weeks for another dmp file I experienced.
is this the latest Mediabay? I am getting massive problems (like a few weeks ago) so I guess I must reset the mediabay again and leave no samples scanned. loading presets from plugins (using the original menu) halts the Cubase GUI for several seconds and has even given me 2 complete freezes of Cubase so I had to kill it via Taskmanager
When I did restart Cubase now, all the media bay scans on my internal drives were gone and Mediabay had to rescan my system drive for the usual stuff included in Cubase and pluginpresets
ok, I will try that.
just a question more: before you could right-click on a separate drive and select mount database or something like that (which would make a folder on that driver called .steinberg). Now the only option is “create volume database” and that seems to not work/do anything after the delete, and yesterday it just showed an error message. Is this new by design or is something wrong?
I have analyzed the freezedumps and it is likely that they relate to busy or deadlock conditions in the MediaBay Server. But I would like to understand what initially caused them. It might be related to the “Volume Databases” the “.steinberg” folders you find on your drives, they are a result from the “Create Volume Database” option in the MediaBay tree. You could go and try to (backup &) delete them then start from scratch, best with cleared Steinberg MediaBay Server prefs as well.
Guessing other possible error conditions and asking for further tests would be very time-consuming, I don’t have that time, Instead, if possible I would like do a Teams or TeamViewer session and have a look directly at your system.
@glennloopez would you like me to do a screen-sharing session with you and so we can figure it out together? If so, feel free to propose date & time (& time-zone).
I added some more folders to my media bay today. Everything was working just fine from the looks of it. The next time I started Cubase it had generated another dmp file.
I had exactly the same problem. I found that if you have more than 60 libraries installed in the Cubase/Nuendo tab in the Library Manager, the Steinberg Mediabay Server crashes Cubase or HALion/HALion Sonic randomly and often when you quit Cubase. I removed some libraries until I had exactly 70 libs. If I add another Lib (whatever it is, sequel Content, Steinberg Lib or 3rd party), the crash is back when the number is over 70). Very strange.
PS : I cleaned everything, removed Prefs for all apps, uninstalled, re installed and still the same problem.
Cubase 13.0.21 / HALion Sonic 7.0.20 / Mediabay Server 1.1.40 / Win 11 latest
The media bay problems seem to have been in Nuendo for a very long time. I recently reinstalled Nuendo 11 (I am primarily a ProTools user) and within a day - or to be more precise after scanning my 2 TB sound effects ssd- I wasn’t able to use the bay without the wheel of death anymore. To me it seems like the underlying foundation of the media bay is not able to handle larger databases. It will be interesting to see if Steinberg will some day be able to deliver a working system.
I posted my own thread a couple weeks ago with my ips file as well.
I’m kind of afraid to even open Media Bay at this point (except in Halion and Groove Agent where I HAVE to use it). In Cubase 13, mine started lagging seriously while simply going through a folder of breaks and adding info while doing it. It started freezing up a bit, and when it came back, some of the samples would not play (and coincidentally were the ones causing it to lock up). Eventually after clicking around, it took out Cubase and crashed my session, and it turns out those files it was choking on got corrupted and turned into 4.29GB useless files. Had to recover my stuff with Time Machine. Happened again the next time I went in and tried to browse too. More corrupted samples to restore. Thought ‘Maybe it’s Cubase’ so I opened Halion, ended up getting Halion to do the same thing too.
This all happened after I decided to start adding tags. I’d grab say 15 samples at once, edit the category/subcategory and the genre tags. The tags stuck, but after that things go downhill really quick… This was just browsing my sample folders, no libraries or VSTSound packs or anything, just simply browsing my ‘Samples’ folder on my hard drive…
This was already turned into Steinberg elsewhere, but in case @Joerg wants to have a look here’s the crash log… I have since wiped and reinstalled Media Bay, but Im afraid to even open it in Cubase 13 now because I have no idea when it’s going to decide to start killing my samples.
Sorry, “months later”… had to stop forum communications to get things done … but the serious stuff should have reached me anyways. Drop me a line if you still need help, I need to spend some hours here the next day or so…
I really haven’t messed around with the mediabay since around the time of my original post. I did manage to scan my most used folders, I have used the media bay lately with success - but I have not scanned anything since 3 months ago.
I had quite a few problems with Cubase in general. After I uninstalled my elicsenser software (which also was reporting errors even when my dongle isn’t plugged), did some Windows cleanups like deleting/restarting my pagefile, uninstalled/reinstalled all these Microsoft visual c++ etc etc I had a pretty good working environment.
My crashes the last month are all related to plugins from the Korg Collection (especially Polysix and Monopoly - but they been bad for years) and also loading projects with Kontakt have been very troublesome (but also better since the latest 7.6.10 update).
I have an annoying issue related to the media bay, when I open it after the first Cubase start up it will delay/freeze the GUI for at least 20-30 seconds before it opens. It is the same GUI hang with the Plugin Alliance plugins that use the Cubase preset system - if I don’t run Mediabay once every time after I have started Cubase it will freeze my GUI for 20-30 seconds on the first Plugin Alliance I load just to get the list of the plugin preset list. Seems the presets of Plugin Alliance is connected to the media bay. Some how it seems there is something in the media bay that never saves and must be rescanned every time Cubase is started it seems!?! at least I haven’t had this behavior before, once the mediabay was scanned before it would be very quick and responsive.
anyways, I did a scan while writing this, seems to work good this time. I did scan 30494 files in 2103 folders, no hangs or other system hangs (no project loaded)
I experienced the same 20-30 second delay and some “freezing” months ago. But not recently.
Open the Steinberg Download Assistant. If there is a version update, that will happen automatically when opening SDA. Then click on the “about” in upper right to check your version.
With C13 the file location of MB changed too. You can always delete the mediabay.db, and then restart.
I know you are talking about Cubase 13, but I have issues with Nuendo 13 Apple Silicon Mac) Mediabay constantly. After about 15 minutes of use, it stops showing results and loses the ability to scan. I narrowed this down to the fact that in Activity Monitor, Mediabay is stuck around 99% usage. The only thing that will will fix, is quitting Nuendo, and then force quitting Mediabay from Activity monitor - simply quitting Nuendo doesn’t close it. If I don’t catch the fact the medially has frozen, then opening and searching freezes Nuendo as well and I have to force quit.
It basically makes Mediaby unusable for me and I have had to resort to using Finder instead, which is nowhere near as convenient.
Are you guys right clicking on your hard drives in mediabay and creating volume database folders before ever adding anything to mediabay ?
If not, that solved my issues completely, and now mediabay flys !
Hey Jonlance,
Wow i never did the right click and the “creating volume database folders” on hard drive in Mediabay.
Mediabay is so much faster, browsing including folder with subfolder work much much faster !!!
Till now I was mainly using external audio browser, lets see if Mediabay stay that fast now.