Melodyne and C14 ARA

Hi, I’m using melodyne as an extension in C14. I can hear it when I press play but when adjusting the blobs or notes in melodyne, I don’t hear it in real-time. Only when playing back. I’d imagine this is a routing issue. What am I doing wrong?

Have you checked that audio feedback for blobs is enabled in Melodyne?

I can’t find where to do that

It’s in the Options. Check Google or the manual!

From a quick Google search’s AI response:

To toggle audio feedback while editing pitch in Melodyne, you can use the “Monitor When Editing Blobs” option in the “Options” menu within the Note Editor; this allows you to hear the pitch shift as you drag a note, and can be turned on or off depending on your preference.

Thanks for the reply. I tried that and it’s still not working. If I open it as a plugin (not using it as extension) it’s fine. Very bizarre

I just tried it in Cubase Pro 14.0.10 as an extension. My test case was polyphonic (just what I happened to have in a test project I found), and it worked fine. FWIW, here are the relevant options from my screen (I didn’t change anything in them, at least not recently – it might be conceivable that a change at some point is persistent):

The only other thing I can think of is if perhaps Extensions have some special routing within Cubase’s audio setup. I do use Control Room. The track in the test project was just going to the Stereo Out, which is Not Connected in my Audio Outputs setup. Control Room’s Monitor 1 is connected to the outputs I usually listen through for speakers and headphones. (While I also have a separate Phones output that goes elsewhere, that is only for when I am recording another singer who needs to monitor their singing when tracking or just listen to playback via phones.)