Does anyone use Melodyne ARA together with Cubase/Nuendo track versions successfully? I still experience the same bug which was there from the beginning of ARA. My repro-steps are as follows:
- Create an audio track, apply Melodyne extension on it and make some edits (pitch or timing, whatever).
- Create a new (second) track version for the given track.
- Return to the first track version. You will see that Melodyne correctly keeps your edits.
- Activate the second track version, save the project, close and reopen it.
- The second track version is now activated. Return to the first track version again.
- Check your Melodyne edits. They are gone!
Interestingly, when you keep the first track version activated when saving and closing the project, Melodyne edits are preserved. The issue appears when you activate the Melodyne track version after reopening a project where another track version was initially active.
Please, Steinberg, if you are able to reproduce the issue, could it be finally eliminated after all those years?
Cubase 14.0.10, Nuendo 13.0.51, Windows 11, Melodyne Studio (the latest version)