Memory leaks continue

A month after backing everything up and reinstalling Cubasis it’s taking up 5 gigs for data and I count less than a gig. 5th gen, 14.2.

Hi @russgies,

Thanks for your message.

Please have a look at the trash folder (Media/Trash), to check if it contains unused data.

Hope that helps!


No, I always empty the trash. I also check under ipad memory for any deleted files that are still there.

Hi @russgies,

Thanks for your message.

Our engineers checked the issue, and is seeing the following memory usage:

Please let us know the app and documents/data size, listed under Settings / General / Storage / Cubasis 3.



I strongly suspect the ‘memory leak’ is due to Cubasis not removing temporary audio files.
When doing destructive edits to audio (trim, normalize, fade in/out etc) Cubasis always creates a backup file. These backup files pile up over time…

There is currently no easy way to do ‘Project Cleanup’ (ie. delete all audio files that are no longer used by the project). For now it’s manual labor and digging thru the project folder using

Suggestion here is that when a user clears the undo history a ‘file cleanup’ could be triggered since the projects temporary files are no longer needed by undo or he project and end up in limbo.
(Thus the only way to remove them is to do manual cleanup with


Sure: app 1.28 gigs, data 4.54 gigs

Thanks for your reply, but there are no extra files in the Cubasis folder, just ones connected to current projects and media bay contents.

Hi @russgies,

Normally, Cubasis deletes unused audio files when opening a project.

In your case, the issue seems to be that some operations, maybe ones that were aborted (mixdown, audio format conversion, etc.) left files in the temporary directory, which cannot be accessed via the Files app.

In the next update, our engineers aim to implement a cleanup of the temporary directory at app launch, hopefully this will fix this issue.

Hope that helps!


Thanks for the Reply Lars!

I’m mainly referring to the audio files that are used by the ‘Undo’ feature for rolling back edits.
These are (as far as I’ve noticed) not deleted when clearing to undo history.

The files are stored in ‘projecfile.cbp/audio/backup/’ which easily grows when doing destructive edits to an audio file.

Happy to hear it’s being worked on.

Thanks Lars.

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