Message Box Causes Crash

In the following script, if you toggle Switch, all is fine. When you toggle Switch2 and it sets the parameter Switch it causes a crash.

function onSwitch()
	local message = {}
	message.type = MessageBoxType.information
	message.text = 'Message Box Text'

function onSwitch2()
	this:setParameter('Switch', not Switch)

defineParameter('Switch', nil, false, onSwitch)
defineParameter('Switch2', nil, false, onSwitch2)

I found this one a while back as well. I don’t think I got around to reporting it yet but it’s definitely a bug.

Hi AposMus,
I’m able to reproduce it here. It’s now in our Defect-Tracking-System and listed as Bug-ID “HALLY-8340”.
I hope we can provide a fix for it soon.

Thanks for your report and please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Gerrit Junge