MG12XU recording with Elements 7 help

I feel my story is missing some further details, “stereo bus” is the one in the mixer itself.
And this is exactly where I got a bit stuck.
When I listen Cubase playback (Cubase Steres out → USB) - it goes into the mixer, then via channels 11-12 it goes into the internal mixer “Stereo bus” or/and “Group 1-2”; or “PF” (pre-fader Listen) intenral buses.

If I read the MG12UX block diagrem correct, to get the sound into the monitors connected to main “Stereo out” the signal has to be routed to mixer internal “Stereo Bus”, and it is exactly the only line used by mixer USB controller to get sound to the Cubase.

The only way I have found: to get Cubase playback sound and record at the same time without Overdub to route playback signal from Cubase → USB → Channel 11-12 via “Group 1-2” or directly from “PF” (pre-fader Listen) to “Monitor Out” (no internal mixer “Stereo bus” used in this case); and use internal “Stereo bus” to channel the sound into the Computer only.
This separates routing on the mixer “Group 1-2” for Cubase play back and “Stereo Bus” - for the recording to the Cubase.
To me this looks to be weird approach bringing me to the thoughts about returning the device back before it is too late.

I do not see any solution on Cubase side as the sound is mixed inside the mixer and has to be split there.

Did you try this approach already? You can use heads sets – this should be possible as well.