Midex 8 drver

I’m not there yet, but I’ve had experiences with Windows upgrades in the past and it has worked so far.

Try setting windows to allow installing unsigned drivers.
3 Ways to Disable Driver Signature Enforcement in Windows 11 (windowsreport.com)

If that doesn’t work…sometimes drivers are bundled with ‘installers’. The installer might fail for some reason, while the driver itself is perfectly fine. In this case, if the drivers are not packed in some kind of exe archive, try using the Windows device manager. Point it to the directory with the inf file(s) and see if windows can install it that way.

If the drivers are packed in some way that you cannot extract them, then you can usually find them in the driverstore of your working PC with an earlier version of windows.
Location Of Drivers In Windows 10/11 (intowindows.com)

So…find the driverstore directory of a PC that has the functioning drivers. Copy the whole folder (for the device that you need) to the desktop of your new Windows PC (don’t try to copy it to the driverstore directory of the newer Windows installation straight away…just put it on the desktop or somewhere handy).

Use the windows device manager to ‘locate’ and install the drivers from this copied folder. Once it’s installed, you can trash the desktop copy.

If that doesn’t work…you might also need to use a text editor to change the .inf file of the driver. Look for references to Windows versions and change those to later ones. I.E Some time ago my Roland XR’s USB MIDI driver stopped installing from Windows 8.1 forward. In a Roland XR USB MIDI driver’s .inf file, I found:

;; Windows7
%RDID0045DeviceDesc%=RDID0045Install, USB\VID_0582&PID_006D ; FANTOM-X

;; Windows8
%RDID0045DeviceDesc%=RDID0045Install, USB\VID_0582&PID_006D ; FANTOM-X

and added some lines:

;; Windows7
%RDID0045DeviceDesc%=RDID0045Install, USB\VID_0582&PID_006D ; FANTOM-X

;; Windows8
%RDID0045DeviceDesc%=RDID0045Install, USB\VID_0582&PID_006D ; FANTOM-X

;; Windows8.1
%RDID0045DeviceDesc%=RDID0045Install, USB\VID_0582&PID_006D ; FANTOM-X

;; Windows10
%RDID0045DeviceDesc%=RDID0045Install, USB\VID_0582&PID_006D ; FANTOM-X

From there, I was able to install the driver using the Windows device manager. I never could get the Roland ‘installer app’ to work, but it worked if I found the XR device in the Windows Device Manager, chose ‘locate driver on disk’ (or something similar), and pointed it to the directory with the *.inf and driver files. Windows found it and installed it.

If you edit an inf file, again, you’ll need to allow Windows to install unsigned drivers. Once the driver is installed, you can usually turn that driver security back on, as the kernel binary parts of the driver might still be properly signed and make it past all the security checks/tests on boot.

Hello folks,

I had to update to Win10 (64) and now am unable to get my Midex 8 to work.
Getting the driver was an adventure in itself, thanks to the strange decision to keep an f t p-server in 2023, and I hope I got the correct one:

I installed it and connected the device, Win recognized it with some Bings, but that’s it.

In the Device Manager I have to ‘show hidden files’ that under ‘Sound Controllers’ the ‘Steinberg Midex 8 Win64 Firmware Loader’ appears, but device status tells me the device is not connected. No other (regular) driver appers under Device Manager.

Has anyone any clue what the problem here might be?


Try a different USB port, or try connecting the Midex via a hub (sounds crazy, but sometimes works!).

The Midex is a USB 1.1 device, and in my experience it has difficulty connecting to newer hardware (USB2 or USB3). If you have an old USB hub it seems to act as some kind of “compatibilty layer”.


I have 4 x Midex 8’s… Great work steinberg… Unusable, and crucial hardware always unsupported. No drivers available anywhere… No customer loyalty etc.

TYPICAL terrible and pathetic non-service. from Steinberg. Jesus! Why don’t you just pay someone a few quid to write the drivers, and then we’ll pay for the downloads.?? (It’s not effing rocket science!)

I’ve wasted hours trying to find win 10 drivers for Midex 8… What a stupid way to run a company, who’s software users regularly pay out loads of money for Cubase updates… (I’ve paid very many thousands since Cubase on Atari ST.)


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Why? They’re here, and if you click my avatar, I’ve even set it as my “Featured Topic”. It’s also literally the first hit you get when you Google.

Use this link MIDEX | Steinberg
download the driver with jdownloader2

It works fine in my system

|Edition|Windows 10 Pro|
|Installed on|‎27/‎10/‎2021|
|OS build|19045.4291|
|Experience|Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19056.1000.0|

|Processor|Intel(R) Core™ i9-10900K CPU @ 3.70GHz 3.70 GHz|
|Installed RAM|64,0 GB (63,9 GB usable)|
|Device ID|52E2CA16-0515-42BC-A744-42C06AD13D90|
|Product ID|00330-71425-68598-AAOEM|
|System type|64-bit operating system, x64-based processor|

Just to say Midex 8 working perfectly in lastest Windows 11 here :slight_smile: AMD7950x

windows midi (Direct sound) .


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Midex8 units working here too with Windows 11 after a lot of figuring it out. Dell OptiPlex SFF 7010 Plus.

The firmware update sequence hangs on the install try when the Midex unit is plugged into a USB 3 port, but the firmware does load properly when connected to a USB 2 port. As someone mentioned above, if all you have are USB 3 ports, then use a hub in between the Midex and computer.

Also, I have (4) units. The (2) early versions I have work as expected, but with the later versions, the LED’s four output ports 7 and 8 don’t fire when aftertouch signals are being routed into the unit. The aftertouch data is getting sent to the output ports properly (verified with Midi-Ox) but the LED’s just don’t light up (they do light up properly with aftertouch data for ports 1 - 6).
Port 7 and 8 LED’s light up fine for Note On/Off commands, etc, so it almost seems like a bug in the Midex firmware rather than a compatibility issue. The (2) later units are new to me so it’s not like I could have noticed it other than very recently. Anyone else seen this behavior?

Also something to note, if you do get a good install (the sequential flashing LED’s on the Midex) and shut down the computer but maintain power to the Midex then restart the computer, the firmware install procedure does not run but the unit works fine. It appears the firmware load sequence checks the Midex unit and if the firmware is already in place, it skips the install procedure. As said, when this happens the unit runs properly and is accessible in the Device Manager et al. programs.

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Thank you so much for this hint! Conneting my three Midex8 on an powered 4 ports USB HUB, now I’m able to see all the ports! I’m running Win 10 Pro 22H2 on a Asus Z97 based PC, so not a new PC, but not as old as my Midex! :smiley:
In any case I have something to investigate about: on my two Midex with the silver Steinberg text on the panel (I don’t know if it’s a late or recent version) I’ve noted a different behaviour: one has the “1” red LED lit, the other one no. I don’t know why. I have to test that the functionality is ok with every unit.