Midi channel problem

Hi, one question please :
I did have import a XML file in Dorico, from Finale 25.
I use 6 instruments, and, when I configure Garritan and the aria Player in Dorico, all those instruments, they play in 1 stereo channel instead or 6 channels. I cannot solve this problem, and do not have this problem with others exports…

Is there a midi parameter somewhere that I missed ?

Thanks in advance for helping me ! (I am french)

Welcome to the forum @da31

2 Things:

  1. Check to make sure Garritan is actually configured to output to individual outputs and not just stereo 1&2.
  2. If Garritan is routed correctly, and you hear all instruments, then click the “Unused” button in the Mixer (top, next to FX).

Hope that helps.

Hi derAbgang,
thanks for the answer.
When I click on “Unused”, it doesn’t change anything.
I have the last version of Aria Player.
Dorico is wonderful. With the Halion Sonic, there is no stereo problem.
I don’t understand the problem.
The Aria Player let me choose only 1-2.
As mentionned on the image (and nothing else).

Thanks for helping.

You need to use the ARIA Player Multi, not the plain ARIA Player.

Hi Janus, thanks for you advice.
I do use ARIA Player Multi, since I did transfert my Finale files.
It works well except on one score.
I keep looking for a solution.

Hi @da31, the screenshot shows Aria as a standalone app without Dorico, is that right? Because if Aria runs as a plug-in within Dorico’s audio engine, then it would not show those parameters for audio device, sample rate, etc. because it will use the settings as given by Dorico’s audio engine.
Could you please load that one problematic project into Dorico, then choose from Dorico’s main menu Help > Create Diagnostics Report and post the corresponding zip file here? Thanks

Hi Ulf, thanks for helping.
Score with audio problem - Dorico.zip (889,5 Ko)

Here is the zip file

Here’s my Aria Multi in Dorico…

I click where I have the red box and get a list of outputs to assign…

Hi Janus, thanks very much !
It works now.
I did not know this list of output to assign on Garritan, not having problems since years.

Dorico is very fantastic, all the best to your team !

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