Midi channel receive in Halion Sonic 7

I am using Cubase Elements 14 with Halion Sonic 7. I am receiving MIDI notes on two different channels, and I want to send them to rwo different instruments. Using an input monitor in Studio Configutation, I can see the notes arriving on channel 2 and channel 5. When I create an instrument track, then the Halion Sonic Intstrument is receiving all the notes from the two channbels on channel 1. If I choose 2 or 5 in the MIDI channel for the intrument, it remains silent. If I choose channel 1 in the instrument, then I can hera the sounds coming in on channel 2 and channel 5, as seen in the monitor.

Please, what am I doing wrong?

Hi and welcome to the forum,

Since Cubase 14, there is the new MIDI Input Channel (in the past, there was only MIDI Outpu Channel). You can set the MIDI Input Channel to Channel 2 on track 1 and to Channel 5 on track 2.

I have to admit, I’m not 100% sure, this feature is also available in Cubase Elements.

There is only one channel setting per slot. The Halion Sonic 7.0 operation manual, in the MIDI page description, says this, which does not seem to be true for the version that I have:

Allows you to specify the channel and the MIDI port to be used by the slot to receive MIDI signals.

How can I know if upgrading to Cubase Artist 14 would solve my problem and set the receive MIDI channel? Would I have to upgrade to Cubase Pro 14?

Thank you

Just tried it and I see it behaves as the Pro version.

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I see it here, in Halion Sonic 7. MIDI tab:

I also have the Halion Sonic 7 standalone program. It behaves correctly, receiving some notes on channel 2 and some on channel 6.

However, I need to use it in Cubase. And the version included in Cubase receives everything on channel 1. Using all the same setup on my computer.

This really looks like a problem in my Cubase Elements 14.
Thanks everyone for the quick answers. But I still have a problem.

Set the input channel in Cubase to ‘any’, and the MIDI input port to your MIDI Controller Keyboard.

This is my need, that I stated when starting this discussion.
Thank you

There are two ways to achieve what you require:

  1. Use two tracks. One will be set to send to MIDI channel 2, the other to MIDI channel 5

    Note that we can use an Instrument track for the first one. It houses the Halion Sonic instrument. The second track needs to be a MIDI track, where the MIDI output port is set to Halion Sonic and the channel to 5 (in your case).

  2. Use only one track, set its MIDI channel to “Any”
    If you route the track to a specific MIDI channel, Cubase will route all the incoming MIDI data to that specific MIDI channel. By using the “Any” setting Cubase will simply throughput the MIDI channel used by the incoming events.

I don’t think that I have explained well enough what I am trying to do, with Cubase Elements 14.

Some notes are coming through one MIDI port, on tracks 2 and 6. I want these notes to play in Cubase, and I want Cubase to output the sound of these notes. The track 2 notes will have a different sound than the track 6 notes.

I do not want to output those MIDI notes to a different synth, I want the sound to be produced by the Halion synth inside Cubase.

At present in Cubase with the monitor I can see the notes coming in channel 2 and 6, but in an instrument track in Cubase the Halion Sonic is showing everything coming on MIDI track 1. This is why I suspect maybe something is wrong with my Cubase.

This is working very well if I need only one sound, nevermind the MIDI track, I choose the sound I want with the Halion Sonic.

But now I want 2 different sounds, for the notes coming in on tracks 2 and 6. This should be simple, this is a very common usage of MIDI AFIK

If I shut down Cubase and start the standalone Halion Sonic 7 program, then that program receives the notes on 2 different channels, everything else remaining the same on my computer. But I need the sound to be produced by Cubase.

Thanks again for your answers

Set the MIDI channels for both, MIDI input and output in the Cubase Track Inspector to ANY.

Setup the sounds you want in Slots 2 and 6 of Sonic.

You explained it and I gave you the answer. Why don’t you just follow what I wrote?


Thanks a lot for the explanation.
I did not know the existence of the Inspector window, which is where all the action is for the problem I was having. Finally, with the inspector and the routing function, I can easily obtain what I want.

With one track your solution worked fine. But I need to send the 2 sounds to 2 different outputs, so I need 2 tracks. and then I still had some work to do.

You were telling the router to send any input to channel 2. Then the notes coming in channel 2 and channel 6 were all sent to channel 2, and they were all sent to channel 6 in the second track.

What remained for me to do is send only the notes coming in channel 2, to channel 2 for this track. And the channel 6 notes to channel 6 in the other track. In fact, I could also use track 1 as the destination channel in the 2 tracks.

Thank you all for your patience and your help.


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True. Sorry that I missed to set the proper midi input channel. My bad. Glad you got it sorted out.