Midi Drum Editor

In Cubase 9.5 I used to be able to right click on the drums midi track and open drum editor. Cubase 10 does not give me that option. Any idea how to view and edit the midi drums? When I open the drum midi track in the editor I do not get a drum map .
Thanks in advance.

Since you have the preference set correctly, you should be able to left double click…not right…the drum midi track in the project page to open the drum editor. Once the drum editor is open, then open the left zone of the drum editor and find the drum maps.

I have done what you suggested but the drum editor does not open. What opens is what you would see opening a non drum midi track. See the attachment: Thanks for the reply

I figured it out there is a drop down arrow to the right of the editor screen that allows you to select drum map. Thanks again