MIDI Help. Newbie alert!

Cubase 14:
MIDI notes on controller Keyboard are launching Menu items and other involuntarily activities i.e, shifting Markers around, starting record mode, etc… Please, someone save me from myself.

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You must have mapped your MIDI keyboard to be a MIDI controller somehow. Cubase allows users to “register” their MIDI keyboards (most can be read automatically), and use them as MIDI controllers, this way, one can assign functions on the note keys , or any other buttons of the MIDI controller, such as Start, Stop, Record and many, many other functions.

Check this video out, might be helpful. Also refer to the manual about setting up MIDI controllers.

MIDI Remote Integration | New Features in Cubase 12

I hope this helps.

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Haha, maybe it is a Voodoo keyboard? Are tables and chairs involved, too?

Welcome to the forum!
Please share some details like which system, OS, Cubase version and most importantly: the controller keyboard and how it is implemented in your DAW.

I don’t want to sound patronizing but have you read the manual of your keyboard? You might as well have and it is something else.

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Thanks for that, I’ll give it a look over.

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