MIDI Input for "Filter Notes By Pitch..."

I haven’t seen anyone else (besides JeromeF) request that Edit|Filter|Notes By Pitch… accept input from a MIDI keyboard, so that we can play in multiple notes at one go.

I’m finding this would be a big time saver, unless I’m missing this functionality?

Sorry if this topic has been covered.


That’s an interesting idea, and not one I think has been suggested before. The one slight issue with your suggestion is that even if you could play in multiple notes from a MIDI keyboard, you will still potentially have to go through each of the notes you played and fix up their accidentals.

Maybe repeat playing of each note toggles its enharmonic spelling between flat/sharp?

Late to the topic, as I just wanted to write that feature request.
It would anyway be helpfull (even if we’d have to manually correct the enharmonics) to find the right octave in first place!
And only in <50% of the cases we’d have to correct the enharmonics (if every white key is by default treated as it is, not as E# or Cb).
Maybe there even could be a checkbox “include enharmonic subtitutes”, so that filtering by Gb also includes an F# (if one doesn’t care).

Also I find the filter comes up set to smart suggestions – I don’t know how. So if it’s sensing anything about the context, that might handle enharmonic choices most of the time.