The MIDI Modifier for “Random 1” and “Random 2” don’t randomize the MIDI until after it’s recorded and played back. Can we get this to work live as the MIDI comes in???.. in the same way that the MIDI Modifier “Transpose” or “Velocity” works? They modify the MIDI as it comes in… not sure why the “Random” ones don’t work live… but it would be nice if they would.
You can use the MIDI Insert MIDI Modifier and enable the Record Output to Track option.
Nope, doesn’t work at all.
Doesn’t randomize it live or played back with Record Output to Track option activated. With it de-activated, the MIDI Modifier MIDI Insert works the same way as the MIDI Modifier tab.
Found a solution!
Martin’s suggestion doesn’t work at all, but Input Transformer was able to do the job just fine.
It’s just slightly inconvenient and it makes no sense that it can’t be done in the MIDI Modifier section, but it got the job done. I’m not sure if it’s a bug or if it’s by design, but Steinberg should probably look into making all the MIDI Modifiers work live; not just some.
Hi I’ve got the input transformer running but I can’t figure out how to randomize notes. What I’m trying to do is have input of c1 and output of random between c1 and g1
Hi and welcome to the forum,
In the Transform Actions part, you can set it to:
Subtype (Pitch) | Set Random Values Between | C1/36 | G1/43
TheTarget Filter would look something like this:
Type Is | Equal | Note | And
Subtype (Pitch) | Equal | C1/36