Midi Note Cutting Anomaly

Hi All,
Has any other Cubasis 3 family member had issues with cutting midi notes in Midi Editor and found that the left side part of the cut note or notes will not sound/highlight or delete unless you drag your finger/pen/mouse over the rouge note or notes!
I have just opened a new project on my iPad Air 4, I entered a semibreve chord containing three notes (CEG), I then set the ruler at the 3/4 note position, highlighted the three notes and “CUT”, the three notes on the right sound, but only one of the notes on the left is responsive😤
This has been going on for month after month after month, I told myself I can put up with it, but it does need sorting one way or another.
Any help would be very much appreciated :beers:

Hi @fixitmania53,

Please share a short clip with us, which shows the steps and resulting issue.


Hi Lars,
I have a small clip as you asked but unfortunately I keep getting this messages
“Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized“
Please can you advise how to do this.
Thanks, Mike

Hi @fixitmania53,

Please upload the clip via Dropbox or similar and let me have the download link.


Dropbox - Cubasis_Final1674138587.MOV - Simplify your life

Hi Lars,
Has my Dropbox video clip above displayed enough information for the self-muting notes issue.

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the info, which has been shared with the team.


Hi @fixitmania53,

Thanks again for your report and the additional information.
The issue is planned to be resolved in the upcoming Cubasis 3.5.1 update.

Warm greetings
& stay well,

Hi Lars,
Thank you, very much appreciated.

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Hi Lars,
Thank you, the note splitting issue has now been resolved with the 3.5.1 update.

Mike :beers:

Hi @fixitmania53,

Thank you, the note splitting issue has now been resolved with the 3.5.1 update.

Thank you!
Glad to read, that the issue has been resolved in Cubasis 3.5.1!
