Midi pickup mode?

If your plan is to get a fader that moves automatically according to a cc curve in your project, sorry but this is impossible to do.

If you want a midi remote to address a cc without using quick controls:

  1. You could script this in the midi remote. You could create a secondary output in the midi remote script, which you’d have to activatate in “All Midi” in the midi port setup and program the midi remote to output the ccs you want to controll on that secondary output. I’m not an expert on this, but I know that robw pulled it off in v2 and v3 of this remote script: Icon Platform M+ MIDI Remote - should work with any MCU based controller . (Very hard to do you’d have to discard anything that you’ve done in the midi remote editor, and programm the entire remote in javascript)

  2. (The sketchy but easy solution) I know somebody who put his midi remote to active in All Midi. And he configured his daw controller to send the cc stuff on channel 1 and all other controls on channel 16. And then he went into cubase settings - MIDI and turned off channel 16 entirely. (But now he can’t use midi channel 16 for anything in his project anymore)